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Dear Parents/Guardians,

We return all praises and adoration to Almighty God, the most merciful. We are grateful for His mercies and protection throughout the First Term of 2023/2024 Academic Session. Our absolute trust is built on Him.

0.1 ACADEMIC MATTERS: All our academic activities were well attended to with the support of God. Our Teaching Staff were up and doing in this aspect as our students enjoyed uninterrupted teaching throughout the term. The newly admitted Students were orientated and they had since acclimatized to the system. All these children are doing fine and have settled down to their studies.

0.2 FIRST TERM EXAMINATION: First term examination was successfully concluded. The results should be accessed through the College Website: -

STEPS ON HOW TO CHECK THE RESULTS: Below are the steps to be followed to access result online: - To visit the School Website - - To visit the Portal - - Type in your USERNAME and PASSWORD - Click on LOGIN - Click 2021/2022 Second Term result or the intended session/term. - Click on the View PDF.

0.3 EXTERNAL EXAMINATIONS: As usual, our students came out in flying colurs in both the NECO and WASSCE results. We thank God for this feat and appreciate you our distinguished parents for your unflinching support. BECE result was not different, it was also very good. We give God all the glory.

0.4 TEXTBOOK/COLLEGE BOOKSHOP: The Textbooks and notebooks that students paid for in the school bill have all been given. However, the book deposit is grossly insufficient to buy all the recommended books. So, it is necessary for parents to buy the books not captured in the book deposit. Parents can contact the College Bookshop for details.

0.5 CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: The Clubs and societies of the College are functioning well. The Science Club celebrated its day this term with exhibitions and lectures.

0.6 MEDICAL: To avoid drug abuse, no student is permitted to be in possession of drugs in the school premises. Parents of asthmatic students should equip them with their personal drugs and 2 bottles of Inhaler. One of the bottles of Inhaler and all other drugs must be submitted to the Clinic for proper administration.

07. HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS MASS VACCINATION CAMPAIGN: Parents are to be informed that Osun State Government will carry out Mass Vaccination against Cervical Cancer using Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine for girls between the ages of 9 years to 14 years. Parents who do not want their children to take the Vaccine should indicate by writing to the College Management to exempt their children.

0.8 BOARDING HOUSE: Dear Parents, for the comfort of your children/wards, please provide them with good mattresses and bed-sheets. Let us note that bed-sheets that are short and/or have changed colour will be rejected.

0.9 DISCIPLINE: We are not resting on our oars to see that the disciplinary tone of the College continues to improve. Bullying, fagging, extortion and all forms of indiscipline remain unacceptable in the College. Parents are advised to warn their children against these vices as erring students will be decisively dealt with in accordance with Offences and Punishment Guidelines from the Federal Ministry of Education.

10.1 DRESSING/UNIFORM: Students are expected to always appear in complete set of uniforms. Only students with complete and right uniforms will be checked-in. Short skirts and trousers are not allowed and will be rejected at resumption. All personal belongings including clothing and beddings should be boldly marked with the names of the owners. No student will be allowed to bring any mufti wears to the College.

10.2 SECURITY MATTERS: The College Community is enjoying the Protection of God Almighty. The College Management will continue to beef up the security of the school. We ask for the Parents and Visitors’ cooperation in this regard.

10.3 CONTRABAND: The following items remain contraband in the College and should not be brought to the College: (i) Hanger, (ii) Cooked or Tinned Food, (iii) Phones, (iv) Chargeable items, (v) Boiling Ring and Pressing Iron. Any student caught with any of the above will forfeit them for immediate destruction and will be punished.

10.4 PRINCIPAL’S TEST: As usual, the Principal’s Test for the 2nd Term will be conducted between Tuesday 9th January and Wednesday 10th January, 2024. The Test will be 10 marks out of the 2nd term Continuous Assessment Marks.

10.6 PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FEES: Payment of SCHOOL FEES and other fees must be made before resumption. Students are required to show evidence of payment at the check-in point.


- STEPS ON HOW TO GENERATE PORTAL RECEIPT: - Visit the school website - Login to the school portal with USERNAME and PASSWORD - Click on “PAYMENT/BILLS” and “CURRENT BILL” to retrieve unique RRR code.

- Pay safely online or proceed to the Bank to make payment with the RRR code.

- After payment, re-login to the Portal with Username and Password, click on “Payment History” to print the receipt.

Please note, the Central Billing System is the only recognized Portal for payment, and as such any RRR code generated from a different platform using any other fee description (e.g., REFUND, TENDER) will not be accepted by the school, and such parents might be asked to pay again. Should you have further enquiries, kindly chat live with a Customer Service Agent via or call 09087995921, +234 - 2018888864.

10.8 SCIENCE DAY: The College had its Annual Science Day Programme on 6th December, 2023, with the theme, GLOBAL SCIENCE FOR GLOBAL WELLBEING. The programme was colourful and educative. The programme featured Lectures, Spelling Bee, Choreography, Project Presentation etc. Schools were also invited for Quiz Competition, Federal Government College, Ikirun known for excellence came first in the Quiz.

10.9 FIRS LEGO LEAGUE (FLL), SOUTHERN REGIONAL ROBOTICS COMPETITION 2023/2024 CHAMPIONSHIP: We thank Almighty God for the successful outing of our students at the just concluded Southern Regional Robotics competition held between 7th to 10th of December, 2023 at Federal Government College, Enugu. Federal Government College, Ikirun emerged the 1st position and has qualified for the final competition at Abuja, come next year 2024. Congratulation to Federal Government College, Ikirun. Congratulation to the Future Innovators of Federal Government College, Ikirun.

11.0 RESUMPTION: The College will resume on Sunday, 7th January, 2024 for the Second Term of the 2023/2024 Academic session. Late resumption will not be tolerated. Any boarder who arrives later than the resumption date mentioned above will not be received until Monday, 15th January, 2024. On the resumption date, check-in closes by 6:00 p. m. NOTE: No make-up test would be given to any student that comes late after the welcome tests have been written. As usual, all students in correct uniform will be checked at the gate and issued clearance appropriately.

11.1 HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT: All Parents are to check the College Portal for assignment to all Students in various classes. The teachers have equally given the assignment to all the students in their classes, in case they are unable to access the online.

11.2 INTERVENTION FOR P.T.A. STAFF: Sequel to the P.T.A. meeting held on 2nd December, 2023, the College wish to appreciate the congress members for their willingness to contribute for the increment of the salaries of the PTA Staff (Teaching and Non-Teaching) due to the prevailing economic situation of the Country.

11.3 CONCLUSION: We express our sincere appreciation to God Almighty for the success achieved so far. We thank the Federal Ministry of Education, Abuja for the various projects, supplies and unalloyed support that makes the college a conducive environment for effective teaching and learning activities. It is our fervent prayer that our efforts on these children will not be in futility.

On behalf of the entire College Community, I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year in Advance. Thank you.


Dr. (Mrs.) A. O. Buzugbe



NEWSLETTER FROM THE OFFICE OF CHAIRMAN, PARENTS TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. Distinguished Parents and Guardians, I thank you all for your support and cooperation throughout the first term of 2023/2024 session. The Executive members have regularly met in a bid to always attend to the welfare needs of our Kings and Queens. P.T.A. LEVY: You are to pay PTA Levy of N5,000 using the Remita mode of payment as summarized below; - Visit - Log on to the portal using existing school portal username and password - Click on ‘’ Pay PTA levy’’ - Generate Student unique RRR Code. - Pay safely online or proceed to bank with the RRR Code. NOTE: The R.R.R code has been generated for all Students. Students are to pay online or proceed to bank with the generated RRR code. P.T.A. PLATFORM: Parents are advised to please join, the General PTA platform, where we have been interacting together. I implore all to join as early as possible through this telegram link or call this numbers - 08036241838, 07031114051 or 08138651314. INSURANCE PACKAGE FOR OUR DECEASED PARENTS: The entire executive members with support of the College Authority as been making the process seamless for the beneficiaries to get their claims from the Insurance Company, so far over 21 parents have benefitted with many claims still being processed. The payments are still on going, as many parents are beneficiaries of the welfare package. We sincerely appreciate the cooperation of the College Authority in the smooth process. NECO/WAEC RESULTS: Brilliant results has always been the standard of the College. I want to commend the hardworking and dedicated teachers that diligently discharge their duties to retain this high standard of excellence, more grease to your elbow. PROJECT: Gradually our project is progressing now, we have been able to complete the substructure part of the construction (German Flooring). Next is assembling of blocks on it, in view of that we solicit for support from our kind hearted parents in cash and kind towards this project. TERMLY PROJECT: This administration has never relented its support to the college activities within its limited resources. We were able to provide our moral and financial support towards the success of the 2023 Valedictory/Speech and Prize Giving Day, as the event was beautiful and a success. SCHOOLABLE: This programme is ongoing as Students have been registered, it’s a financial management of student’s pocket money and a way to help parents monitor their wards/child’s expenses. Parents are advised to register their children and collect their personal card. Furthermore, the Little Smart Card is a Card that helps your child buy what they want, it’s just like an ATM card. All the parent have to do is register 3k for the NFC card and they can fund their child account at the comfort of their homes, they do not need a 3rd party when they want to send their child pocket money If they want their child to have the card upon resumption They should chat/ call Customer support 09139368950 Or reach the Agent in the school PTA STAFF SALARY: It is pertinent that we must work towards improving the welfare of our PTA Staff (Teaching and Non-Teaching) in relations to the reality of the current situation of the country’s economy. All the Schools in the South West are working towards this, I implore parents to join hands together and improve the well being of the custodians of our Kings and Queens. Hence, in the resolution at General Meeting held on 2nd December, 2023, the parents are expected to pay N2,500.00 to augment the salary as agreed by the Congress and N5,000.00 (PTA Levy) totaling N7,500.00.

The account to pay the intervention for increment in PTA Salary is:


Bank Name: Union Bank Plc.

Acct. Number: 0001583404

Finally, I commend the Director/Principal, Dr. (Mrs.) A. O. Buzugbe and entire members of Staff in the College for their cooperation and dedication towards the relentless efforts in ensuring that our students do well in external examination. God bless you all.


Are you a Student or a Parent? Do you want to check result for any Session or Term?

Follow this few easy steps:


1. Click on the School portal link on the navigation above

2. You will find yourself on the school portal page. Now enter your username and password as provided to you in school.

3. When you have successfully logged in, as a Student, click on My Results OR as a Parent, click on My Ward's Result.

 It's as easy as that!


If you don't have your login details OR you have forgotten them, never worry, you can chat with us by clicking on the chat icon at the bottom-left of the  this page, OR simply call 09060005987 or send an

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